MIL-T-23588C(OS) Vibration, nonoperating. The transducer s-hall be subjected to
the "Vibration, nonoperating" test of MIL-E-82590 and thereafter shall
meet the requirements of
* Vibration, operating. The transducer shall be subjected to the
"vibration, operating" test of MIL-E-82590 and during and thereafter shall
meet the requirements of
4.4.2 Temperature and humidity
* High temperature and humidity, nonoperating. The transducer
shall be subjected to the "High temperature and humidity, nonoperating"
test of MIL-E-82590
and thereafter shall meet the requirements of
* High temperaturem operating. The transducer shall be subjected
to the "High temperature, operating" test of MIL-E-82590 and, while at
the test temperature, shall meet the requirements of
* Low temperature, nonoperating. The transducer shall be sub-
jected to the Low temperature, nonoperating" test of MIL-E-82590 and
thereafter shall meet the requirements of
* Low temperature, operating . The transducer shall be subjected
to the "Low temperature, operating" test of MIL-E-82590 and, while at
the test temperature, shall meet the requirements of
* Thermal effect on zero and sensitivity shift. With 8 volts,
400 Hz applied, the transducer shall be placed within a test chamber
and subjected to the following temperatures and pressures for a period
of one hour at each temperature setting: Thermal shock. With no pressure, 8 volts, 400 Hz applied to
the transducer, measure and record the output voltage. Prior to immer-
sion, ensure that the pressure tap of transducer is open and that the
cavity is filled with water at a differential temperature of 40 degrees F.
Completely submerge the transducer in water at a differential temperature
of 40 degrees F from that of the transducer, for a one minute period.
Measure and record the output voltage at 10, 20, 30, and 45 seconds, and
at one, two, three and five minutes after immersion. The transducer shall
meet the requirements of
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